Top Darts Rules You Should Know About

Darts is still pretty much considered a bar game. However, you’ll be surprised to find out how many different rules this game has, not only in terms of how you throw or score. From how you behave at the beginning…
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Basic PDC Facts any Darter Should Know

Most fans of any sport or hobby enjoy not only practicing it but also knowing some background information and following the events in the universe of their passion of choice. So, in this week’s post, let’s take a look at…
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The Perks of Having a Dartboard Cabinet

Dartboard cabinets look great on any home or pub wall, but there's much more to these than meets the eye. Cabinets have different functions and once you've got one, you'll never want to go back to owning none. Here are…
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Why Is Self-control so Important in Darts?

In darts, just like in life, self-control is very important. This is the key factor that often makes the difference between losing or winning at darts. After you’ve reached a certain skill level and you’re physically capable of making any…
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10 Darts Tips from Pros

Darts is a great pastime and as you learn more about this game, you probably want to become increasingly better at it. It’s up to you to decide how good you want to get at darts, depending on how much…
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2021 Darts Tournaments Calendar

 Are you a darts enthusiast or someone who has recently discovered this wonderful sport and is eager to learn more about it? There’s no better way to get the inspiration you need to become better at darts than watching pros…
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