10 Health Benefits of Playing Darts

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30 years ago, darts was associated only with those who liked to go to the pub and drink alcohol.

There are many videos with professional darts tournaments from the past when players were both drinking and smoking on the oche.

However, darts has evolved a lot since then and is nowadays considered a sport that brings plenty of health benefits. Discover them right here and now!

1. Improves Hand-Eye Coordination
Darts is all about accurate throwing and the more you play, the better you become at hitting the target. This is a sign that your hand-eye coordination is improving, a skill that is vital in every other aspect of life, from playing other sports to simply picking up objects.

2. Keeps the Brain Busy
The most common darts games involves counting down from a score of 501/301 to 0, finishing on a double. When playing this game, you must add up the score from your set of three darts and subtract it from the total. As you approach the end of the match, you need to work out the numbers you must hit to reach the exact score. This is a great workout for the brain and it keeps it active.

3. Stress Relief
It takes a lot of focus to play darts. Not only does it require accurate throwing, but also good numeracy skills, whether you are playing 301 or games like cricket. This takes your mind off other things and helps you relax.

4. Social Skills
While you can practice darts at home alone, playing in any other setting, means getting together with other people. Darts is a great way to socialize with friends and if you enter a league team, it can also be a great way to meet new people.

5. Improves Concentration
Playing darts requires a great deal of concentration. Whether you need to work out a score, think about the area of the board you want your dart to land in, or the position you have to throw it from, being able to fully concentrate and avoid distraction is essential. 

6. Increases Confidence
Winning a game of darts can increase your confidence, which is always great. However, it is not all about winning. Taking part in the game can also increase confidence in those who are more introverted. Playing darts means being in the spotlight while other people watch you throw. This is a good way to challenge yourself, step out of your comfort zone, and become more confident.

7. Physical Self Control
Throwing a dart accurately requires good body control. If you are unable to keep your arm, head, and all of your body under control when throwing the dart, you’ll probably miss the target. Ask someone to watch you throw and tell you if you’re failing to control any part of your body. If so, you can work on it and improve your physical self-control.

8. Teamwork
When playing in an official league or a tournament with friends, you are always interacting with other people and this can boost your teamwork skills. Therefore, organizing a darts tournament at work can be a great way to connect with colleagues. 

9. Encourages Strategic Thinking
Darts often requires a lot of thought and part of that process is strategic thinking. The most common darts games involve tactical skills such as trying to leave a specific number available and hit it next time or forcing an opponent to try a difficult shot.

10. Exercise
You may think darts is a pub game that involves little effort but darts players actually get a lot of exercises. If you play this game for an hour, your arm is doing a great deal of exercise and you also need to walk to the dartboard and back each time you throw to collect your darts.
If you play a few times a week, you’re doing your body a favor as you get it used to an actual workout routine. 

Try Ignat Games darts to improve your health!

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