How to Hold and Throw a Dart

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The dart grip that plays a fundamental role in your chance to score. If you’ve carefully watched professional players or your friends while you were enjoying a game of darts together, you’ve probably noticed that every player has a different type of grip. This influences how darts land on the dartboard.

The first thing we want to highlight is that there is no right or wrong way to grip a dart.

However, there are a few basic rules to follow when holding a dart for the first time.

Find the dart’s center of gravity
 by placing it in the palm of your hand. Then, move the dart toward your fingertips, try to keep it in the same position, and take hold of the dart with your thumb on one side of the barrel and your fingers on the other.

Make sure your grip is neither too loose nor too tight. Imagine holding something light and fragile in your hand: if you hold it too tightly it will break, but if you hold too lightly it will fall. Darts is a precision sport and you can only gain accuracy by using a grip that’s both controlled and  relaxed.

The number of fingers you use while holding the dart will influence your control. The more fingers you have on the dart, the better you control it but this also makes it more difficult to release it. A good starting point is to place three fingers on the dart and practice like this for a while. The length and shape of the dart’s barrel also influence the number of fingers you need to use. 

The fingers you’re not using to hold the dart should remain apart and not closed into a fist. Curling your fingers up produces extra tension in your hand and will result in a poor throw, so you should keep them opened and relaxed. 

No matter what darts you use, the tip should always face up. Check this, especially if your dart doesn’t hit the board with the tip first.

With your grip in place, now it’s the time to throw the dart.

When you throw the dart, don’t move your body and try to stand still once you’re at the oche line. Make sure your eyes, the dart and the part of the dartboard you are aiming for are in line

While pulling the dart back, before you aim, try to avoid contact with your face. Many players like to do this, and it is great to move the dart back as far as possible before firing but any additional contact may distract you and disrupt your throwing mechanism.

Then, accelerate forward at a natural pace. There is no need to force this movement, just concentrate on doing it naturally, all the way to the follow-through. 

While releasing the dart
, the tip must be pointed forward and, if you have a good grip, you’ll be able to release it naturally. Again, don’t force it.

Also, during the release, don’t forget to follow through with your arm. Your hand should be steering toward the dartboard’s targeted area. Hold your dart for a brief moment before releasing it.

This is how you hold a dart and throw it.

All you have to do now is take some darts, stand up on the oche line, and exercise. It is the best way to improve your skills!

Order on a perfect steel tip darts set from Ignat Games and practice!

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