*Should You Use a Dartboard Surround for Your Walls?

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Darts is fun, challenging, and most importantly, a social game that can help you connect to others. There are countless benefits involved in this game. On the one hand, darts improves your concentration and aim. On the other, it also helps you sharpen your calculation skills. We could talk for hours about how fascinating and beneficial darts is, however, just like any other activity, it has some drawbacks. One of them is that it can cause damage to your wall, floors, or furniture if your darts fly astray. So, how can you indulge in your favorite pastime with no risks? By using a dartboard surround. 

What Is a Dartboard Surround?

A dartboard surround, also known as a dartboard wall protector or a dartboard backboard is a support you mount on the dartboard. As the name suggests, this accessory’s purpose is to protect. It basically protects walls against the stray darts that don’t reach the dartboard and usually end up in the area surrounding it.

This can lead to unpleasant and unsightly results. Because steel tip darts have sharp tips, they can leave permanent marks and dents on the wall. Furthermore, they can damage both your walls and floor. Once a dart ends up hitting the wall, it will immediately fall on the floor where it can scratch the surface. 

A dartboard surround can decrease the chances of facing these issues. This type of darts accessory is installed on the dartboard very easily. Most surrounds don’t require any installation kit. You simply fix them around the dartboard. As they have a snug fit and are made of flexible materials, wall protectors are easy to mount. 

Other models, such as the one we provide in our store are made of several pieces. To mount them, you simply have to clamp them together. Again, no installation tools are necessary and the job takes a minute tops. 

Dartboard surrounds basically enlarge the surface around your dartboard. This way, if a dart flies astray, it lands in the surround where it gets stuck thanks to the absorbing material this item is made of. Therefore, stray darts don’t cause any more marks on your walls and don’t fall to the floor either. 

The Advantages of Using a Surround for Your Dartboard 

A dartboard surround enables you to play your favorite game hassle-free. By having this accessory mounted on your dartboard, you can relax, and focus on your throws. Even if a dart does fly astray, it will most likely reach the surround and get stuck there. Hence, no more ugly wall dents or marks on your floor.

With this accessory, you can focus on what truly matters – improving your darts skills. Plus, you won’t risk being scolded by your partner next time you start playing. No one will bother you to stop playing darts at home because there will be no more damage to repair.

Another advantage is that dartboard surrounds can actually make your dartboard look better. These items have different shapes and colors. Choose one that blends in with your setting and enjoy it.

Here, at IgnatGames, we have two dartboard models. Both can be mounted manually in a few seconds and are made of dense EVA foam with self-healing capacity. Check them out

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